Thank You

Carol and I are extremely grateful for the many positive comments and e-mails that we have received in response to our sad news. We appreciate your positive thoughts and prayers more than I can express in words.

In my post, I asked "What do you do when God is silent?" Well, God has spoken to our family this past day through all of you. As we go back to the Doctor on Wednesday, we know that people from around the world are going with us in spirit.

Among our tribe that calls ourselves Methodists, there is often discussion of the United Methodist Connection. Today, I feel an even stronger connection within the Blogosphere among my many Christian brothers and sisters and many more. We have heard from friends and family, new acquaintances and even complete strangers, and everyone has expressed sentiments that help our family. Through this blog, I have had the good fortune of making friends with people I have never met.

Collective EffortOn days like today, I feel that our ever growing online community is a true community in the most positive aspects of the word -- including the positive elements of my small hometown, Erwin, TN, or the Amish communities who join together rebuilding a barn destroyed by fire.

Our family's situation is hard to deal with, "the barn has burned down", but we’re getting by, and this unique community that we share is helping us rebuild.

I am thankful for each of you and all of the spoken and unspoken prayers that have been offered on behalf of our family. It means more than you will ever know.
