The Church of Labor Day Saints

Today marks the High Holy Day in the Church of Labor Day Saints.

I hope that everyone has a good time at the annual pilgrimage to Paden City West Virginia for the Labor Day Celebration and Parade.

If you aren't familiar with this particular church, the primary sacraments of the faith involve gathering at the "temple", otherwise known as Uncle Scott's house, in Paden City and watching the parade with other pilgrims and the rest of the congregation.

In earlier years, the pilgrimage featured gathering around a keg for sharing of the communal beer. However, now that the Church is "reformed" most pilgrims choose alternative beverages.

There are still a select few who maintain a strong commitment to the authentic practices of the earlier pilgrims, and they will celebrate in the manner of the original Apostles of the Church of Labor Day Saints.

In a related note, the schism between members of the Church of Labor Day Saints and those who formed the Church of Seven-Day Adventurists several years ago has been mostly resolved.

The Church of Seven-Day Adventurists maintains their commitment to the ritual of seven-day treks into the wilderness for hunting, fishing and other activities known only to members of their Church, while honoring the beliefs and practices of the Church of Labor Day Saints as well.

I am unable to make the pilgrimage to Paden City this year, but I wish everyone all the best on this important day. We will be thinking of you as we enjoy the traditional communion meal of barbecue spare ribs later today.
