Jake's Question for the WV YouTube Youth Forum

With an assist from Jonah, here is Jake's question for the WV YouTube Youth Forum.

He wants to know "Why don't kids get to vote?"

Here is another take, this time from his tee-pee....

Here's an earlier version:

Here's the first take...
(Watch how Jonah does his part to creatively grab the viewer's attention.)

I have a feeling Jake may be submitting some more questions for lawmakers soon. He also wants to start his own weekly Web Show featuring his favorite jokes, songs, video games and other fun parts of being an 8-year old boy.

You can submit your questions for the YouTube Youth Forum online at http://www.wvyouthforum.org and be sure to join our YouTube Group at http://www.youtube.com/group/wvyouthforum.

The YouTube Youth Forum will be held on March 19th at the State Capitol as part of Children's Day at the Legislature. Register online at http://www.preventchildabusewv.org.

So which version do you like best?
