Speak Out for Families -- Tell Gov. Manchin "We know what works to protect our children. It's time to take action!"

Today (June 5) and tomorrow are Call-In Days to WV Governor Joe Manchin's office, letting him know how widespread the interest is in In-Home Family Education.

The message is...
"We know what works to protect our children - it's time to take action. Support a $2 million supplemental appropriation for In-Home Family Education."

The Governor’s office number is toll free (888) 438-2731 or (304) 558-2000. Please call today!

The Issue
In-Home Family Education programs provide parenting education and support to families with young children in their homes. Services are voluntary and are available from before birth to age three. Studies show that these programs reduce child abuse, increase parenting skills and improve children's health.

Despite much rhetoric related to protecting our children from abuse and neglect, the Governor and legislative leaders have yet to act on legislative proposals for child abuse prevention this year.

In addition, those proposals that have received the most attention focus on increasing punishment for perpetrators -- not on preventing abuse from occurring in the first place.

By investing in In-Home Family Education programs, state leaders could take action effectively to address the problem.

Don't just take it from me, the Centers for Disease Control, National Conference of State Legislatures, and the National Governor's Association have all endorsed these programs for their effectiveness in preventing child abuse and neglect.

The National Governor’s Association Center for Best Practices stated...
“Early investments in home visiting programs are shown to reduce costs associated with foster care placements, hospitalizations and emergency room visits, unintended pregnancies, and many other more costly interventions.”

The National Conference of State Legislatures lauded these programs saying...
“The predominant and most thoroughly researched child abuse prevention strategy is early childhood home visitation.”

Finally, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) concluded that...
“Up to 40% of all child maltreatment could be prevented if home visiting was widely available.”

It's clear that we know what works, and it's time to take action.

Action Needed
  1. Today and tomorrow are Call-In Days to Governor Joe Manchin's office. Please call toll free (888) 438-2731 or (304) 558-2000 and leave a message for the Governor saying...

    "We know what works to protect our children - it's time to take action. Support a $2 million supplemental appropriation for In-Home Family Education."

  2. Contact your legislators THIS WEEK and urge them to support a $2 million supplemental appropriation for In-Home Family Education. Of particular importance to contact are members of the House and Senate Rules Committees.

    You can identify and contact your local legislators through the Legislative Action Center for Children & Families website.

    Members of the Senate Rules Committee are listed here.
    Members of the House Rules Committee are listed here.

    When contacting legislators, use their home or work phone numbers to reach them before June 10. If you wish to write letters, mail them no later than June 9 and send it to their address at the State Capitol because legislative interims will be held in Charleston on June 11 to 13. You can also send emails using your home address directly from the website.
For more information on In-Home Family Education, visit http://www.teamwv.org/.

Thanks for taking a few minutes out of your busy day to take action to help children and families.
